Route Issue with Newport 300km cause change of venue for the event

To those who may look to register for the ACP 300km Ride on 9/16/2023 (Updated on Aug 13, 2023):

There is an on-going issue with the Mt. Hope Bridge plus there is a resource issue as well compounding the issue that we have decided to change the location of the ACP 300km along with the route.

We are going to use the Mid-Coast Maine Route for the Sep 16 ACP 300km ride. We apologize for any inconvenience to anyone who have registered for the ride or plan to do the Newport ride.  If you want to exert your frustration toward the change of venue, please write to RI-DOT and complain to them so there may be another voice to straighten out whether bicyclist belong or not belong on Mt. Hope Bridge.

Best Regards,

Tsun Au Yeung

Club President of NER

Register for Centennial 400km O Canada Route

NOTE: We’re aware that a lot of roads are currently closed in VT and are figuring out if anything needs to change with this ride!  We will keep riders posted when we have the final route, but we expect to run the event on the scheduled day, with route tweaks as necessary.

July 22nd: O Canada Centennial 400k (ACP Certified) Celebrating 100 years since the first ACP 400k, this event also falls at a great time for a last long pre-PBP event.  Bring your climbing legs and your swimsuit for the swimming hole at the northern turnaround!   This event starts in Woodstock, VT.  There is no rider limit but the special anniversary medals are only guaranteed for the first 25 riders to register.

Finalized route detail will be available by Friday Morning July 21, 2023. A BikeReg Email will be send out to all registered riders on the morning of 7/21/2023 detailing if there’s any change.  Ride leader Jas will drive the route on Thursday 7/20/2023 and do final adjustment if any.

Go to BikeReg to register today (Registration Close on Thursday 7/20/2023)

Call for Volunteers!

As always, NER is an all-volunteer organization.  We could use some more help on upcoming rides, especially the 600k!  We could use help both at the overnight control in Portland and at the finish in Woburn.   Anyone helping out is eligible to preride the route for credit and for free any time in the two weeks preceding the event.   Please ping me (Sarah) at rba at nerandonneurs dot org if you’re able to help.

We can also always use more people on any event – running a control is more fun with a group and it’s a great way to see a different side to randonneuring!