

This page refers to NER New England Randonneurs (NER) Membership, which is separate Randonneurs USA (RUSA) membership. RUSA membership is required for all events. NER Membership is optional for all NER events, although appreciated and helps us operate the region. Riders who are NER Members but not current RUSA members will be unable to ride any event with us. Please verify your RUSA membership and join/renew RUSA before becoming a NER member.

Become a 2023 NER Member Now!

Benefits of being a New England Randonneurs Member:

Here’s what membership provides:

  • You show that you support NER and our events.
  • You are eligible for members-only events and swag.
  • Free participation in our monthly P-12 series. (When offered)
  • Voting rights for NER elections.
  • Note: NER Membership and RUSA Membership are separate. RUSA Membership is required for all events.

Membership is only $10!

There are two ways to become a member:

Method 1: You can purchase a membership online at BikeReg. Anyone is welcome to purchase a NER membership.

Method 2: If you volunteered on an event in 2022 you should have been sent a coupon for free 2023 Membership. Please note that you will still need to register on BikeReg in 2022 in order to be an active member and/or Season Pass holder. (Please contact volunteer Coordinator Emily O’Brien if you volunteered but didn’t get a coupon.)

If you Volunteer in 2023, you’ll have a free membership in 2024!

Randonneurs USA (RUSA) Membership: NER membership is separate from RUSA membership. While RUSA membership is not required for NER membership, all NER events require RUSA membership. Being a RUSA member also allows you to participate in Permanents and the distances you complete can be used toward many distance awards. A RUSA membership helps the sport so we encourage it for all riders.

We do not require that members to volunteer but we strongly encourage it. Our events only happen due to the commitment of our volunteers. Volunteer duties include staffing a control, leading an event, verifying the route cue, shuttling supplies, etc. While many volunteer duties preclude riding on the day of the event, volunteers can pre-ride an event up to two weeks in advance and still receive RUSA/ACP credit.

Membership Fine Print: A membership is for the calendar year. The team events entry fee still applies unless all team members are also NER members. A membership is not the same as a NER Season Pass and membership alone is only good for a discount on our normal 100-600k series events.

Visit our page of volunteer needs to see what sorts of things you can help with. Also check out the individual event pages for requests for help on those particular events.

We might also have board member positions open. Contact the NER President for more info.