Riders can register for The Dirt Populaire East Barnard VT Gravel 100km (June 25th), the White Mountain Getaway 600km (July 9 to 10) and the Newport 300km (Aug 20). Look for the registration link on each of the event pages to register via BikeReg. The Dirt event also has a brand-new pre-ride report to get you excited about the course!
It’s not too early to be fielding Arrow & Dart Teams for the Fall Team Event weekend (Sept 24). These are fun events where teams of 3-5 plan their own route to Brattleboro, VT and have 8-24 hours to ride their route of 120km – 360km+.
Note that registration closes 24-48 hours before most events and on July 1 for the 600k, a week before the event. There is no day-of-event registration for any events so don’t forget to register before the deadline. RUSA membership is also required for all events so make sure you’re current for 2022.
Riders can also become members of New England Randonneurs! NER yearly membership supports our events and in 2022 members will receive a free NER water bottle at the start of their first ride of the year.
Brevet Cards in 2022: For most events riders will receive a traditional paper brevet card. Please keep this card with you during the ride and return it to the organizer at the finish. For proof of passage at intermediate controls, riders can choose to: Get their card initialed, get a receipt at the control store (if applicable), record a GPS track, or take a time-stamped photo of their bike at the control.
2022 Event Results can be found at our dedicated results website. Results are generally posted 24-48 hours after the event has concluded.