On April 21st at 7pm NER is holding an informal meeting to discuss Paris-Brest-Paris, 1200k events, and randonneuring in general. If you’re thinking about going to PBP or other 1200k events in 2011, this is your chance to have all your questions answered: training, transportation, eating, sleeping, etc. If you’ve ridden PBP before, come and help answer questions or just reminisce about the event. Even if you have little interest in PBP, come hang out with your fellow Randonneurs.
The meeting is open to the public and is free. No pre-reg required, just show up! Snacks and drinks provided.
Date & Time: April 21st @ 7pm.
55 Old Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA (Google Map)
Directional Note: This is the office building immediately outside Hanscom Field.
Meeting will be held in the building’s café.
Special thanks to John McClellan for making the meeting space available.